Invest Intelligence When It Realy Matters

How Buffett Uses the Media to Cash In

Previously, I discussed the fact that what Warren Buffett invests in doesn’t matter to you. Then I followed up by explaining how the media uses Buffett to make money. Here, I complete the lesson by showing you how Buffett uses the media to cash in.

Similar to Britney Spears and other “celebrities,” Buffett also benefits from Hollywood antics. You see, Buffett has been made into a financial celebrity, just as Alan Greenspan and many others have. Media exposure is just as good for Britney’s record sales as it is for shares of Berkshire Hathaway. It’s a two-way street of profits. The media creates big name financial celebrities in order to draw a big audience. A big audience drives big ad revenues. And financial celebrities like Buffett benefit because investors will invest in Berkshire.

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