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Obama: Worse than Bush? (Part 2)

Here I continue from Part 1.

Let me give you a brief example how the media has brainwashed the American public. In early April, the results of Obama’s approval poll were released. The results were as follows:

  • Obama’s approval rating: 66% (a new high and higher than Clinton and Bush)
  • Americans who think America is headed in the right direction: 36%
  • Americans who approve of Obama’s proposals for the banking industry: 33%
  • Americans who approve of Obama’s proposals for the auto industry: 47%
The fact is that most Americans do not approve of Obama’s job as president. They’re certainly against the bailouts and lack of accountability for the banking crooks. So then, ask yourself how his approval rating is so high while Americans are clearly dissatisfied with the policies he has taken. Is this not a direct reflection of his leadership? Perhaps the media has redefined how Americans think about “likeability” and leadership.
So how could this be? 

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