Invest Intelligence When It Realy Matters

Europeans Standing Up to Oligarchs and Criminal Bankers

In the past, I've discussed how Americans should be taking notes as they watch Europeans resist the various austerity measures and other forms of control enacted by the oligarchs.

Despite the fact that America suffered a much large banking bailout than Europeans, Americans have sat on their lazy asses and done nothing to organize meaningful protests which address the real problems and criminals responsible for the global recession (most likely soon to be a global depression). Meanwhile, Europeans are showing that they won't take the abuse. 

This is what you do when you have your mind and soul intact. You fight let these SOBs know they serve you, not vice versa.

This is what you do when your mind and soul has been hijacked by the media machine.


In case you haven't figured it out by now, they won. They beat you. They raped you. America's fascist Establishment comprised of banking, corporate, political and media elites have screwed you so hard and deep, you've lost all touch with reality.  

Americans need to get off of their asses and TAKE ACTION NOW, before it's too late.

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