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Mearsheimer and Walt: The Israeli Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy

In the past, I have made mention of Mearsheimer and Walt's book, The Israeli Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy, although I have not read it (I have no time!). I do know the book's premise from reading articles and watching interviews they have given. 

Mearsheimer and Walt, both Jewish professors at the University of Chicago and Harvard respectively, received virtually no coverage for what was originally a paper, later turned into a book discussing the control over U.S. foreign policy by Israel. They concluded that without the control over Washington by the Israeli lobby (AIPAC) America would not have invaded Iraq. 

The virtual media shutout seems quite odd, given that two very well-respected professors discuss a critical topic. It is especially odd to see America's Jewish-controlled media black-ball Jews, which only happens when Jews expose the truth as it pertains to Israel. You should note the striking predominance of so-called experts flooded throughout the media who happen to be Jewish.

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