Invest Intelligence When It Realy Matters

The Price of Honesty

You might recall a recent article I wrote called

"Madoff in Perspective" where I point out that the real Ponzi scheme is being ignored - that orchestrated by the financial industry.  I also make mention of this intentional fraud in America's Financial Apocalypse 2009 Update a few months earlier... 


"What Madoff did was nowhere near as fraudulent as what the banking and mortgage executives did. Yet, he has become the latest scapegoat in this cycling pattern of booms and busts orchestrated by the Federal Reserve, Washington and Wall Street. Hopefully by now you're starting to figure out how the media is using every chance they get to deflect blame from the real villains; their Wall Street sponsors. But remember, Madoff's charade had absolutely nothing to do with this crisis.

So the question begs to be answered…when will we see Fuld (Lehman Brothers), Thain (Merrill Lynch), Killinger (Washington Mutual), O'Neal (Merrill Lynch), Prince (Citigroup), Cayne (Bear Stearns), Schwartz (Bear Stearns), Dimon (JP Morgan), Blankfein (Goldman Sachs), Thompson (Wachovia), Raines (Fannie Mae), Paulson (former U.S. Treasury), Greenspan (former Fed Chairman), Cox (former SEC Chairman), and hundreds if not thousands of others responsible for this mess in handcuffs?

Don't hold your breath. It didn't happen after the S&L Crisis or the dotcom meltdown. And it's not going to happen now. Hopefully, you know how the game is played. They'll pick out a few scapegoats; minor players, as a way to appease naïve Americans. This is the way it works. This is the sad reality of America . It's the American Dream for the rich and powerful, and the American Nightmare for everyone else. If you're a true American, you'll contact your congressmen and demand they be brought to justice. If they get enough calls, they'll feel the pressure to file charges. That's how it works. The media knows this. That's why they've done everything but stir the pot."


Tigers Never Change Their Stripes

"Don't forget, these men cleared billions of dollars in bonuses by fudging financial statements while packaging trillions of dollars of fraudulent loans into securities. This was money taken from shareholders who were lied to, and investors who bought these toxic securities. It was a twist on the classic pump-and-dump scheme.

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