Invest Intelligence When It Realy Matters

Definitive Proof that Jim Rogers is a Contrarian Indicator

Doomsday, broken clock charlatans seem to spread the same message that never changes unless they want to deceive their sheep. 


The reason for their obsessive repetition is due to the fact that they know that people will tend to believe even the wildest, most ridiculous claims as long as these claims are repeated over and over again, especially if a large pool of individuals repeats the same message.

This is basic psychology and it is used as a common tactic by modern day con men.

As we have explained many times in the past, modern day con men use a network or syndicate in order to flood their victims with the message they are trying to pitch.


Reminder about the Clowns Who Continue to Get Everything Wrong

Mike Stathis' Message to Jim Rogers - "You're a Dumbass"

Stathis Exposes Broken Clock Jim Rogers and the Media (Extended)

Mike Stathis Offers Irrefutable Proof that Jim Rogers is a Complete Idiot

Jim Rogers Claims to Own the Dollar Now that it Has Soared

Definitive Proof that Jim Rogers is a Contrarian Indicator

Jim Rogers Claims to Own the Dollar Now that it Has Soared!

Mike Stathis Offers Irrefutable Proof that Jim Rogers is a Complete Idiot

Stathis Destroys Broken Clock Doomsday Douche Bag Jim Rogers

Moron of the Month: Harry Dent (Take 2)

Harry Dent. Economist, Futurist & Contrarian Indicator

A Look At Harry Dent's Track Record

Mutual Fund Disasters: Harry Dent the Fund Manager

Proof That Zero Hedge Cannot Be Trusted

He's Back! Harry Dent the Clown Making More Ridiculous Predictions

Mutual Fund Disasters: An Overview

Mutual Fund Disasters (Part 2)    

Mutual Fund Disasters (Part 3)

Mutual Fund Disasters: David Tice and his Prudent Bear Fund

Mutual Fund Disasters: The Rise and Fall of Bill Miller

Target-Date Funds: Another Dangerous Investment Epiphany



WARNING: The following video contains excessive use of mild profanity. Do not watch this video if you are easily offended by cursing.


The Jewish media crime bosses prefer to simply ignore those who speak the truth and threaten to expose them as the best way to hide the scams from the public.

In contrast, the Jewish media crime bosses continuously promote Jewish con men and clowns who have terrible track records as a way to enrich them all while steering the audience to their sponsors, most of which are Jewish Wall Street and related firms. Figure it out folks. It's not rocket science.


View Mike Stathis' Track Record here, herehere, here, here, here and here.



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Mike Stathis holds the best investment forecasting track record in the world since 2006.

View Mike Stathis' Track Record here, herehere, here, here, here and here.


Check here to download Chapter 12 of Cashing in on the Real Estate Bubble.


This is the chapter that shows where Mike recommended shorting Fannie, Freddie, sub-primes, homebuilders, GM, GE, etc.


So why does the media continue to BAN Stathis? 


Why does the media constantly air con men who have lousy track records?

These are critical questions to be answered.

You need to confront the media with these questions. 

Watch the following videos and you will learn the answer to these questions:

You Will Lose Your Ass If You Listen To The Media



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