Invest Intelligence When It Realy Matters

EXPOSED: Chris Martenson

Who is Chris Martenson?  Is He Legit?  And is He on Your Side? 


We issued a warning about Martenson a while back, knowing well what he was up to, but we just did not have the time to do the investigation and write-up required to present a bullet-proof analysis of this charlatan.

Click here to read our previous warning. More recently, we exposed what a complete clown Martenson is by showing his predictions on commodities and the US stock market.

Click here and here to view Parts 1 & 2 of this video presentation, respectively.

The full report on Chris Martenson can be found in our famous Encyclopedia of Bozos, Hacks, Snake Oil Salesmen and Faux Heroes

Here we present a brief overview of Martenson and his tactics to the general public, followed by a much more extensive analysis and expose for Members and Clients.

We are going to focus on two critical questions; whether he has any credibility and whether he can be trusted.

In this 3-year investigation of Martenson, we lay out the details of how this snake has elbowed his way into the gold charlatan network in this 60-page report.

The full report will only be made available to Members and newsletter subscribers.

Before we begin, we are going to give you a brief summary of Martenson and his angle.

Martenson employs the tactics typically used by con men in order to establish credibility and to gain the trust of his victims. For instance, he generates a false sense of importance, he makes false claims and he aligns himself with other con men so as to benefit from their exposure.

Martenson also wants his sheep to think he is like some kind of modern day Moses, wanting to help people.

In reality Chris Martenson is more like Obama...a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Martenson began his deceitful tactics by using the most common scam seen in the social media world today - provide something for free and get the sheep to do your marketing for you.

Here's how the scam works.

You leverage the anger, anxiety, fear or any other emotion shared by a large group of individuals. You do this by relating to them. You show them how they matter and you can help change things for them and for the better of the world. You create all kinds of propaganda to brainwash your sheep.

Today, the common form of propaganda is to create some "documentary." In reality, these so-called "documentaries" are really subtle sales tools that are designed to implant subliminal triggers into unsuspected minds.

While this all may sound complex, it's actually quite easy to do. The media has been using several variations of this tactic for many decades.

Once the sheep have arrived, you make money from them in a variety of ways. And because you have convinced them that you are a "good guy who wants to help them defeat the evil guys and save the world," the sheep don't even see how you have gradually transformed your "efforts to save the world" into a money machine.

That is, you create some BS that caters to the common interests of some large population. It does not matter what it is. The important thing is that you position your pitch as something everyone needs to know.

And because you are giving it away for free, it reinforces your "altruistic" motivations. You tell everyone to "help spread the word."  And the sheep spread the word for you because they have been fooled into thinking that this thing they are pushing can wake people up.

Once you have herded enough sheep, you start charging money for things, like website access, you make money referring sheep to gold dealers and useless financial advisors, you give speaking tours, you sell ads and you even ask for donations. This is how con men create businesses from naive suckers. As you can imagine, these types of businesses are booming these days.

Alex Jones does this with his BS disinfo "documentaries." And yes, Chris Martenson did the same thing with his "Crash Course." 

Martenson always makes sure to introduce himself as "doctor" because he wants you to take him seriously, similar to how Dr. Phil refers to himself as a doctor, or how Martin Weiss refers to himself as a doctor.

But these men are just as much of a REAL doctor as Dr. Seuss. Having a Ph.D. does not make you a doctor. We all know that when one refers to someone as a doctor, it implies they are a medical doctor.

He also claims to have been THE Vice President of Pfizer, which as you will see later simply is NOT true. In fact, the officials we spoke with at Pfizer headquarters did not even recognize his name.

Because Martenson has no Wall Street experience, he wants to assure you that he is a very educated former executive of a Fortune 500 company so that you will think he is credible.

I'll tell you how credible he is. He is so credible that he has partnered with some of the biggest con men in America today, many of which are gold dealers.

Let me be crystal clear about Martenson so that there is absolutely no ambiguity as to my position. Chris Martenson is not only a complete snake, he is also a pseudointellectual idiot who has absolutely no idea what he is talking about with his doom and gloom, market crash, dollar crash, hyperinflation bullshit.

He is merely preaching the lines required to be inducted into the gold pumping network, whose membership guarantees lots of money from unsuspecting idiots.







He has also partnered with Agora Financial, which is a complete bullshit copyediting firm in Baltimore Maryland that pumps out doom and gloom and has been known to employ con men with criminal records.

This is the same firm that Porter Stansberry, Doug Casey, Harry Dent and countless other clowns have partnered with.

REMEMBER, the apple NEVER falls far from the tree.



Martenson always claims that he sold all of his stocks and bought gold and silver back in 2005 after he realized the "collapse" was coming.

First of all, the stock market continues to soar while gold and silver are collapsing. The bottom line is that he wants to make his audience of sheep believe that he understands investments well enough to have done very well.

Second of all, if in fact Martenson is this big former executive who sold all of his stock to buy gold and silver, why is he charging you $350 to become a member of his doomsday propaganda website, why is he charging for speaking, why is he getting paid referral fees to endorse gold and doomsday perma-bull financial firms???



Wait a minute. Isn't this the same clown who insisted in early 2013 that the US stock market was going to collapse by 40% by October 2013? 



UPDATE: We recently discovered that Martenson has registered as an adviser so he can collect referral fees from financial firms.

So after Martenson scares you into thinking the stock market will collapse, he tells you that you should send your money to investment firms that take a bearish position; in other words, they MISS OUT on the HUGE GAINS in the STOCK MARKET!

Worst of all, Martenson actually gets paid a percentage of what his sheep send to these incompetent financial firms.

That's right folks. Martenson MAKES MONEY while his sheep LOSE MONEY!

Does that sound ethical to you?

Create an aura of doom and then steer your audience towards financial firms that can help you escape the doom while you get paid for a referral?  

That sounds like pure WHORING to me. 

Isn't this the exact same thing Alex Jones, Glenn Beck and other con men do?  




You bet it is, except they go about it more indirectly by getting paid to slant their content so that it favors increased business for their advertisers.

While Martenson promotes end of the world scenarios and resource depletion, he interviews gold dealers and other con artists who get paid in some way by promoting gold.

He also posts advertisements for gold firms and doomsday products. From ads alone, Martenson is pulling in several thousands of dollars each month.

Don't you think he has an incentive to keep the doomsday, gold-pumping story alive?

But this is by no means unique. Tens of thousands of people have created blogs and posted doomsday bullish in order to attract the brainwashed doomsday crowd so they can cash in big selling ads.

So, not only does Martenson advertise, he also gets paid from gold ads. And he also charges for membership to his site.

Wait a minute. How can an honest person get paid by advertisers AND charge for content?  

Won't the content be slanted to favor the business of advertisers? You're damn right it will! 

Folks, no honest person would EVER sell ads AND charge for membership.

But wait. Martenson isn't finished draining your bank account.

He also has the nerve to ask for donations!

Let me get this straight. You've got a guy who gets paid to pump gold and create end of the world scenarios, all while charging access to more of this delusional BS, and then he wants you to donate your hard-earned money to him?  

Donating money to Martenson is like paying someone a bonus for steering you into the poor house.

Here's how Martenson's game works. He interviews financial reps from firms that he "endorses"...aka GETS PAID COMMISSIONS for assets his sheep send to the firm. He makes it appear as if it is tied into his whole BS theme.



Yes that's right folks. He wins the trust of his ignorant sheep.

Unfortunately, Martenson's (largely) liberal-minded sheep have been fooled to think he is some savoir; some knowledgeable guy who cares about them.

Hey Chris, don't you think it's about time to tell your sheep that you only care about making money selling doom? 

Martenson is running the worst kind of business; a business that preys on the fears and hopes of everyday people. Martenson is not much different than a televangelist.

This is the same game being played by the entire wave of doomsday charlatans, from Alex Jones and Ron Paul to Max Keiser and Peter Schiff.

And of course Martenson also interviews all kinds of gold hacks, from paid gold pumpers to gold dealers. You won't find him EVER interviewing someone who isn't a gold hack. And he does this because this is his business model. It is how he makes money.

He is a promoter of doom. Make no mistake. Martenson is receiving numerous forms of income from pumping gold as well.

On a more disturbing note, Martenson has closely aligned himself with known clowns and gold-pumping idiots lacking any credibility whatsoever, such as Casey Research and Mike Maloney. Remember, the apple never falls far from the tree.

I wonder if Martenson is receiving any direct compensation for the penny stock promoting activities Casey Research is known for. That, of course is another issue for later investigation.

Martenson takes the "I care about you people" approach all while pulling an "Obama" once he has herded in the sheep. All he really cares about is himself and we saw this from day one. It was quite easy to see through his BS. The signs were all too obvious for those of us who are experienced in detecting charlatans and profiteers.

Remember, this is a man who claims the dollar is doomed, the stock market is doomed and food and gold are the best investments you can make.

This is a man who claims the world is running out of oil, food, water, farmland and whatever else he thinks you need.

His goal is to scare the shit out of you. But he can save you, for a fee of course. 

He also believes in the global warming scam, or at least he tells you he does.

Even Porter Stansberry, the king of false claims and con games himself, laughed at Martenson's ideas on his radio show when he was interviewing Martenson on his hack radio show. 



But Martenson is also a man who is doing promotional work that would make the United Nations very happy; after all, he is promoting this "end of resources" bull shit which lays the ground work for the green energy gravy train.

Make no mistake. Martenson is a snake oil salesman.

With Martenson, you have a man with NO Wall Street experience, NO professional experience in asset or risk management, yet he is able to determine which financial advisers you should park your money with?? 

As one example of Martenson's lack of due diligence, one of the firms he has been bought off by (New Harbor Financial Group) actually subscribes to Robert Prechter's market forecasts!!!  How do we know this?  We did a little investigating.

Do you remember Robert Prechter?  

In our opinion, he is the worst market forecaster of all-time. This is a man who looks at hokus pokus chart patterns to forecast stock market crashes. The only problem is that he is always forecasting crashes.

Prechter has even been rated by hack publications which typically pimp these guys as the worst market forecaster in decades! 

This is just one of the jug heads Martenson follows. See here

Other firms Martenson "endorses" also take this doom and gloom approach. 

Remember, this is a guy who trashes the U.S. stock market yet he is collecting referral fees for endorsing his sheep to financial firms. Fucking amazing!

This firm that Martenson endorses also closely follows John Hussman. If you don't know Hussman, he is another one of these PhD economists who think they can invest successfully. Hussman has gotten virtually everything wrong for quite some time and is significantly underperforming the market.

So what's Hussman's performance?  


Check his funds for yourself (we will be doing a video on Hussman in the future).

Ask Martenson why he is collecting a fee for steering your money to these firms. Hell, he doesn't even know what he's doing! And I'm sure he really doesn't care. All he cares about is preaching doom, scaring his sheep and telling them to invest their money with firms from which he receives commissions.

Does that sound like an ethical conflict? 

Has Martenson ever managed individual accounts of clients as a broker or financial adviser?


So then, what the hell does he know? 

Answer: Not jack shit when it comes to investments or forecasting in our opinion.

How is he qualified to advise you where to invest your money?

Answer: He's not. Anyone can get a state securities license. All you need to do is take a simple exam that requires a few days of preparation.

Wait, according to Martenson, a man who previously worked for the EVIL DRUG INDUSTRY, the world is running out of oil, land, food and water and gold will save you!  

Are you people who listen to Martenson really that stupid?
Oh wait a minute. I forgot. These are the same people who think Mike Maloney and Robert Kiyosaki are legit.
Martenson also collects commissions for steering his brainless sheep to his "endorsed" gold dealers.

Why doesn't Martenson disclose UPFRONT that he is receiving finder's fees?

While he does mention it casually, he does NOT mention it prior to having created his doomsday drama material.  

We feel that this type of behavior by Martenson is unethical, but it could be illegal. In fact, I could make a good case that it is illegal. 

You see, when people make the decision to go to Martenson for his "trusted" financial advisers or gold dealers, they have already psychologically committed to this move. So no matter how many disclosures you feed them, it's always after the fact; after they have already been brainwashed. This is the old Joe Camel ad tactic at its best.

It's kind of like these convenient stores that don't list the price of candy, and by the time you have waited in line and find out that a candy bar is $1.50, you don't want to mess with not buying it because they psychology and physiology has already kicked in. These c-stores get away with this activity because they aren't regulated, unlike the case with the securities industry.

Have a look at this video.

Can you say Jim Jones?  

What about James Arthur Ray?  

Who does Martenson think he is, God?  

He is giving people advice on how to live their lives? Amazing.

When is he scheduled to appear on Oprah? 

After all, she has been responsible for launching the careers of the biggest snake oil salesmen in recent memory, including Robert Kiyosaki. 

Speaking of Oprah, did you know Martenson's ignorant and naive followers tried to get this clown on Oprah?  

Yes indeed, pause for laughter. However, it's not as funny as you might think. After all, Oprah is the Queen of launching the careers of con artists.

After all, she has launched the snake oil sales of Robert Kiyosaki (whom Martenson has associated himself with at least indirectly).

I have been watching Martenson for a few years now. And I knew from the very start that he was a up to no good. It was obvious to me.

Call it professional experience if you want, but I can almost always spot these guys immediately; the intent, the deception, the deviant psychology. The way they go about things makes it all too obvious to me. 

I think I developed this type of mentality while working on Wall Street and having to always look over my shoulder to make sure I didn't get screwed by coworkers.

Although Martenson clearly knew about me long ago (I know this from emails I received from individuals who had discussed me with him), he never reached out to me, like one would imagine he would if in fact he was really trying to provide a source of valuable insight and information, and especially if he were concerned for the people.

After all, you're talking about the guy who predicted pretty much everything folks. And I laid things out in detail unlike anyone would have the know-how or balls to do.  

Folks, it has been the same game. If you are trying to fleece the public the last thing you want to do is associate with the one person who focuses on exposing con men. This is specifically why I have been banned by the media, both mainstream and so-called alternative. 

Similar to other charlatans who are only out to piggyback on the doomsday momentum and cash in on it, Martenson linked himself into the gold charlatan network, posting links to websites run by amateurs, hacks and idiots, and recommending useless propaganda books.

In contrast, he never recommended America's Financial Apocalypse, or any of the articles on my site. Predictions & Insights from America's Financial Apocalypse

Why do you think that might be? 

Isn't that a bit odd from a man who claims to care about you people? 

Remember, I'm the guy who uncovered the scam behind the WaMu seizure, as well as the guy to have uncovered the fact that Bank of America's buyout of Merrill Lynch was really a bailout.

Truth be told, I should be recognized as the hero of Main Street. Instead, I'm virtually unknown, while con artists are making millions of dollars from the exposure they receive. Fucking amazing.

Let me reiterate something that is critical to always keep in mind. If you run into a website or an individual who is delivering economic and investment information and insight and they do not mention or recommend America's Financial Apocalypse as the single MOST IMPORTANT investment book to read, they are either ignorant or they are con men. In either case, you need to avoid them at all cost because they will lead you into the gutter.

Predictions & Insights from America's Financial Apocalypse

Those of you who have read the book understand exactly why I can make this claim.

After I had been banned by the media, it was not long before I realized a very simple rule to follow when detecting liars and con men.

Quite simply, if individuals ran a website that was involved with information and news about the economy and they had a list of recommended books and links to other sites, but neither my book nor a link to my site was included, it became clear to me that the individual(s) running the site were either were stupid followers of charlatans in the media and did not have a clue what was going on, or else they were gold pumpers. Often they were both.

My reasoning is simple. If you were really committed to providing a source of insight about the economic collapse, you would have done a good deal of independent research. Accordingly, there is almost no chance that you wouldn't have come across me, my articles or my book at some point.

In fact, I have seen a few clowns who actually included my website on their blog early on, only to remove it and fill the list with the same network of gold pumpers you see everywhere.  I'll discuss this in more detail in the future.

Why would they do that?  

Because all they care about is aligning themselves with a large network so they can get more hits to their site which translates into more ad revenues.

This type of behvavior accounts for just one of the reason why I have concluded that there is no one to be trusted out there. They are all crooks, profiteers, liars, and/or idiots. This is a fact.

Instead of exposing his sheep to what I know, Martenson is more concerned with brainwashing these fools with delusions from gold bugs. And while he steers his sheep into investment firms that have remained bearish, Martenson is getting paid while his sheep lose money by sending their money to these firms.

Instead of interviewing me about the WaMu heist (see here), Martenson interviewed a shill for the establishment who has the role of pretending to go after banking fraud when in fact she goes after small-time issues and stays away from the really big fraud.

Maybe she is just naive, or maybe there is more to her job description. Regardless, the name of this reporter, Grechen Morgenson, previously write stories on WaMu mortgage fraud, so I thought she would be especially interested to learn of the heist of WaMu by JPMorgan and the Federal Reserve.

But I was wrong. After sending her my SEC complaint, I heard absolutely nothing.

Think about it. She could have at least raised some of the issues and questions I raised in the complaint but she didn't mention a word of it. Ask yourself why.

Clearly, she is either involved in the coverup, or else stayed away from the topic in order to keep her job. If the latter possibility is true, wouldn't that make her a lying, greedy scumbag who is willing to sell herself out to criminals like a whore? 

Yet, Martenson pats her on the back. Fucking amazing. And his sheep have no idea what is going on. Hey Chris, you are a complete idiot at best and con man at worst.

I do have the leading track record on the collapse in the world. That is a fact I have backed with a $100,000 reward.

The deal is this people. Like the rest of the hucksters, Martenson doesn't care to align himself or identify top sources of unbiased insight. He only cares about putting the most money into his pockets as possible.

But rather than steer his sheep into the path of prosperity by exposing them to my insights, he has chosen to steer his bank account into the path of prosperity by selling out to gold dealers and financial advisers. And he has done this without the knowledge of his lackeys.

The first thing to note is that Martenson buys into the rubbish from the gold-pumping crowd. And like ALL gold pumpers, Martenson is getting paid money to pump gold.

And he aligns himself with these morons...Marc Faber, Max Keiser, Alex Jones, Peter Schiff, Casey Research, Eric Sprott, Zero Hedge, etc...the gold bug, doomer network.

More recently Martenson has aligned himself with Mike Maloney, the former car audio salesman turned Robert Kiyosaki minion.

Remember, these guys know there is strength in numbers.

And since very little of what they say has any merit, they focus on the "consensus" approach, or what I like to call the bandwagon approach.

Always remember, the apple NEVER falls far from the tree.

Chris Martenson markets himself as some kind of "futurist."

You will recall that Harry Dent also refers to himself as a futurist. Incidentally, this designation has about as much credibility as Gerald Celente's "trend forecaster" self-created title.

Quite simply, in the field of research analysis and forecasting, I am aware of no such designations other than from what charlatans have created.

When you lack specific expertise and you want to market yourself as being "in the know," calling yourself a "futurist" can be a good way to position yourself as credible for those who don't bother to investigate the merits of this designation.

Apparently, a few years ago, Martenson gave a few talks that were focused on peak oil, resource depletion and global warming. This material was by no means new. It was the exact same material that had been pushed by globalist establishments for a number of years.

However, like every other advocate of Peak Oil I have come across, Martenson fails to grasp the full understanding of Peak Oil. This is most likely due to the fact that virtually every other "voice" out there, he is a follower as opposed to a leader in thought. Martenson continues to warn that we are facing the end of oil.

Apparently, he has not been keeping up with the vast new finds of fossil fuels throughout the United States over the past few years. In fact, U.S. oil production is growing so rapidly due to these finds that the EIA estimates that in just a few years the U.S. will surpass Saudi Arabia as the #1 producer of crude oil in the world!  But the huge new finds in oil are not limited to the U.S. or Canada. We are seeing vast amounts of fossil fuel discoveries in Latin America, China and Russia.

Martenson also continues to insist that the world is producing oil at essentially full capacity; another inaccurate statement.

Clearly, Martenson has been drinking the Kool-Aid offered by the United Nations, World Bank and other globalist establishments.

Furthermore, Martenson has deceptively tried to claim that his Crash Course material, which had NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with the real estate bubble and financial crisis was related to that. He is even telling people that he predicted these events.

Listen Chris. I'm the ONLY guy to have truly predicted what has happened and that is a fact which no one dares to even attempt to refute. So stop making false claims. And stop steering your sheep into the toilet with terrible predictions.

Stop exploiting these naive, scared sheep you have herded.

Based on my examination of his content, as well as other observations, it would appear that Martenson had been an avid reader of doomsday, gold bug websites for quite a number of years.

Basically, Martenson has taken the research and conclusions made by establishment organizations, such as the United Nations, World Bank and EIA and used them to fit a gold bug, doomsday agenda.

In contrast with what he claims, it is clear to me that Martenson's objective from day one was to turn his propaganda into a money machine. Take note that he portrays himself as a "concerned citizen," merely wanting to "get the message out."

First, he used the typical You Tube marketing strategy to lure unsophisticated sheep into his revenue model. Interestingly, he recorded videos of one of these talks and uploaded them AFTER the financial crisis had occurred. 

It is clear to me that Martenson was off track when it came to the financial crisis and economic collapse, but has attempted to tie in his resource depletion BS into the financial crisis and economic collapse. He has even claimed that he predicted the economic collapse.

In fact, what Martenson did was merge gold pumping propaganda with the agendas of the United Nations and other establishment organizations. This is a man who claims global warming is real. And that the world is running out of land.

Hey Chris, I have some news for you. Global Warming is about as legit as you. And the world is running out of land just like it is running out of oxygen.

Martenson named his video "lectures" the Crash Course. Interestingly, another series of videos using the name "Crash Course" was uploaded on You Tube in 2006, three years before Martenson's videos appeared.  See here.

You will notice that many of these videos discuss the same things as found in Martenson's videos.

Why might that be? Because both videos sets are reporting the "official" version of things. Thus, nothing Martenson presents is new or unique. He is merely stating the establishment's propaganda, much of which is untrue and/or exaggerated.

Martenson has also attempted to tie this "research" into actionable investment strategies. In my opinion, he has very little credibility when it comes to the investment world. He likes to market his "Ph.D." as a way to make him sound credible, much in the same manner as Martin Weiss has. However, the fact is that Martenson's degree in toxicology (which isn't exactly an area that garners much respect in the scientific community) has nothing to do with investments. 

Yet, because most of his followers are uneducated and naive, Martenson has duped his lackeys into believing all kinds of wild things, in large part due to his "educational background" as well as his former position as "THE vice president of a major pharmaceutical company." I'll get back to this later.

His followers largely resemble a hybrid of "save the whales" pawns combined with Ron Paul "end the Fed" goofballs (I will be releasing a 3- or 4-part series exposing Ron Paul in the near future).

Martenson wants you to believe that he is a legit economic researcher, futurist and forecaster, and he relates this material to investments. But based on what I have read and seen from him, when it comes to investments, forecasting, and his ideas on the environment, he has absolutely no idea what he is talking about.

The fact of the matter is that Martenson has jumped on the gold-pumping band wagon along with the other low-level charlatans who are looking to exploit this period for monetary gains by hoodwinking naive and desperate sheep.

After all one of the best ways to quickly determine who you're dealing with is to check the "blog roll" of each site; a term used to designate partnering websites.

Please confirm for yourself that each of these sites are run by idiots and/or charlatans. If you check gold bugs you and other liars and idiots, you will notice that the same names keep appearing in their blog rolls.

It's truly a circle; a network. They unite in order to intensify the magnitude of their propaganda. They even refer to their fellow pumpers as being "part of the precious metals community/movement."

Remember, the apple never falls far from the tree.

How about this for credibility...if you have a website that is focused on the economy or investments and your blog roll doesn't include the website of the man who holds the leading track record in the world on the collapse, I think it's fair to assume that the people running the site are either so ignorant in that subject matter that they aren't aware of that individual or else they don't want to do anything that would draw attention to this expert for fear that more people would wake up to the realities about gold and other myths.

I can tell you for a fact that 99% of the gold bugs know precisely who I am. And they have gone out of their way to avoid any mention of my landmark book America's Financial Apocalypse as well as the endless accurate forecasts I have made. The reason for this behavior is simple. These clowns have accomplished nothing of any noteworthy mention, so if they so much as acknowledge my track record, their audience would put much more weight into what I say. Think about it. It's not difficult to see what's going on here.

And by now you all probably know what I think about gold. Remember, I recommended it in America's Financial Apocalypse, but that was at a time when it was $650 and it wasn't being pumped by every clown on the airwaves.

This "strategic retreat: mentality also explains why Peter Schiff criticizes Mike Shedlock but won't dare even think about taking me on even though he is well aware of the numerous articles I have written slamming him down. He will threaten to sue websites that publish my articles about him but he will NEVER take me on for debate on a neutral platform.

Schiff knows that Shedlock is a lightweight, and I'm being polite here folks. Schiff realizes that he would face a devastating blow to both his inflated ego and his business because, unlike him, I have all the facts, no agendas, I speak the truth and I know what the hell is going on.

I would like to give Martenson the benefit of the doubt in assuming he was just another laid-off toxicologist looking for a way to make a buck after being unable to find work due to the FDA's recent crackdown on data manipulation by the drug industry.

But I think the rabbit hole goes much deeper. Have a look at this crock of horse shit.

With his participation in this BS video, Chris Martenson has now been officially earmarked as a complete charlatan and opportunist with no credibility whatsoever; of course, that's just my opinion for whatever it's worth.

And if you think he has any credibility, you are not familiar with some of the claims and forecasts he has offered. 

For those of you who might have been fooled by Martenson's "honest and sincere" demeanor, this video ad and his involvement with these clowns should make it clear that he is just like the rest of the clowns.

The only difference is that he has even more delusional thoughts such as the world is running out of land and oil.

And he is going to save you from the apocalypse...for a fee of course. 



Okay Chris, we get the warming is going to destroy all life on earth, we are all going to starve to death because there are too many people and not enough food, and the dollar is headed to 0, so we should all buy gold to save us from everything.

But Chris, is there any reason why we should pay you to hear the same crap over and over again? The same crap from the same con men that are aired on CNBC, Bloomberg and every other Jewish-run media venue?  

Wait, I think I understand the psychology behind your business model Chris...get gold bugs to post sensationalist articles about the economy, and interview gold bugs and other gold pumpers so your sheep will feel good about their gold "investments."  

That's a highly deceitful strategy. It's also quite apparent to those of us who have a great deal of experience sniffing out deceitful people and strategies.

Now that I have made it blatantly obvious that Martenson is a gold pumper, I guess the next question is this...

Since he believes we are running out of resources, does Martenson advocate population control like Bill Gates, the Council of Foreign Relations and the rest of the globalist establishment?  

And does he approve of Monsanto and GMO crops since this is helping to "feed" an "overpopulated" world?  

Now, I am not saying that we do not have a resource population problem. However, these concerns have been around for a very long time and we have managed to survive because of this golden rule...

Gradual changes in the biosphere can be absorbed into the ecological equilibrium. However, abrupt changes of large duration and magnitude can cause permanent shifts in this equilibrium.

We do not see extremes in terms of resource depletion, population growth or other things that have been used for fear-mongering.

Don't bother to look up this universal rule in a textbook because I doubt you will find it. It is a rule of common sense that I have proposed based on my understanding of science.




Let's take a closer look at Martenson. He worked for Pfizer as a toxicologist.

First of all, toxicology isn't exactly the most respected field of biology. Generally speaking, the losers go into toxicology....guys who couldn't cut it in the biosciences. And the biosciences isn't exactly the most difficult field in my opinion; I know because in addition to spending several years in school for chemistry, I also took dozens of courses in the biosciences. In fact, I can guarantee you I've had significantly more coursework in the biosciences than Martenson. And I can tell you that compared to chemistry, it's pretty easy.

I only raise this point because many of Martenson's sheep seem to think that just because he has a science Ph.D., he must be credible in economics, finance and investments. That is a ridiculous assumption. I know some of the most brilliant and accomplished scientists in the world today and most of them don't know a damn thing about business and finance. 

Okay so let's get back to Martenson's previous life as a toxicologist working for bog pharma.

First of all, the field of toxicology isn't exactly respected in the scientific community. Furthermore, a Ph.D. in toxicology is arguably unwarranted since toxicologists don't engage in raw basic science research.

Toxicology is close to being considered a fringe discipline since it usually attracts underachievers from the biological sciences.

You aren't going to get any chemists, biochemists or serious scientists going into toxicology unless they couldn't cut it in chemistry. They are basically hacks and data collectors for the pharmaceutical industry.

Or if they want to work for the good guys they will get a job with the NIH. But you have to be pretty good to land a job there. If you aren't so good you can always work for big pharma.

I think I've made myself clear on what I think of toxicology as a discipline. Now let's have a look at what toxicologists do so we can access the value of this profession.

Do you know the role of toxicologists working for drug companies?

What do you think they do? 

They look for toxic effects of drugs. And when they find them, they help these companies hide the results by either not publishing the data, or else conducting the study in a way that fudges the data. This is not just my opinion. It has been proven by whistleblowers. Thus, unless Martenson is a whistleblower, I have to conclude that he was what is known as a "hired gun" for the pharmaceutical industry.  

I am willing to bet anyone $2000 Martenson was not a whistleblower because you can bet he would be boasting about his noble deed if in fact he was a whistleblower. Rather than a whistleblower, there appears to be something sinister involved. I have a hunch. I think Martenson was somehow involved with the fraud behind Pfizer's scam arthristis drug, Bextra, a COX-2 inhibitor similar to Merck's Vioxx.

Was Martenson terminated after it was discovered that the dangeous effects of Bextra were being hidden by Pfizer? 

Was Martenson involved in hiding the dangers of this drug?  

What is strange is that prior to releasing his book, Crash Course in 2012, Martenson never mentioned the specific name of his former employer for several years since the launch of his website.

What does he have to hide? 

Was he involved in masking the toxic reports of Pfizer’s most notorious drugs?

Could this be why Martenson was so hesitant to disclose the name of his former employer?

After all, if you are going to keep touting how you were this VP of a "major" drug company, why wouldn't you mention the name...unless you had something to hide?

Rather than provide the name of his former employer, Martenson introduced himself as THE vice president of a large drug company so as to make his sheep believe he was a senior executive.

The fact is that all large corporations have many vice presidents. He may have been A vice president, but Pfizer has hundreds of vice presidents. This example points to his intent to deceive people.

In July 2012, we contacted Pfizer to inquire about Martenson's claims about being THE former Vice President of Pfizer and we were told that "that name does not sound familiar."  

We do not doubt that he worked at Pfizer. And perhaps he was a VP of some group at Pfizer. But until Martenson shows evidence that he was THE VP Pfizer, you should assume he wasn't...not that this should make a difference, as the VP is low on the management hierarchy.

Regardless, this does not matter except to point to his apparent deceitful nature. Even if he was the CEO of Pfizer, that would be meaningless and has no relevance to credentials he is attempting to build in economics and investments. After all, the past 3 or 4 CEOs of Pfizer have run the company completely into the ground. Just have a look at the stock price chart since 1999 and you will see where the company has gone. Nevertheless, the point is that this shows who you are dealing with.

Can you trust someone who makes such embellishments? 

If a person fudges simple things about who they are and what they did, do you really believe they will be honest about everything else? 

Furthermore, do you REALLY think that a hired gun from the pharmaceutical industry gives a damn about you?  Wake up!   

Martenson is yet another faux hero catering to the unsophisticated gold bug crowd, while exploiting his delusional and naive followers with highly deceptive and manipulative tactics.

And he has even conned them into working for him for free. They spread the world about him because they see him as a "hero." The reality is that he's more like Jim Jones.

He tells them to do his marketing for him by contacting the media, spreading his crap on social media and so forth. And he has positioned this call to action as a way for people to participate in saving the world. He motives behind this call to action has been exclusively as a means by which to line his pockets. It's the typical "Alex Jones" tactic once again..."do your part to spread my videos around, tell people about me and my message." 

The only problem is that Martenson doesn't have the solutions because the end of the world isn't coming anytime soon. In reality, Martenson has hoodwinked his sheep to serve as grunts to promote his snake oil.



He has even gotten the ring leaders of his propaganda to get the rest of his stool pigeons to go to Amazon and give him stellar ratings for his highly useless book. 

Where does the deceit end? 




[Martenson's sheep are going to get very upset that I've exposed the reality because it reveals just how naive they are. Take note that all emails are screened.

How do I know what their reaction will be in advance? Because Martenson uses tactics similar to other snake oil salesmen like Alex Jones, Peter Schiff and Ron Paul, in order to build this blind loyalty.]

Martenson tries to build himself up (in his ever so subtle manner) as someone larger than life (the typical tactic used by con artists) while brainwashing his sheep followers to contact every website and media organization to promote him because his "work is so important." 

But it appears that Martenson has embraced the global warming scam as a way to profit, while recycling data from the United Nations and other hack establishment agencies.

These global establishments are directly aligned with the Federal Reserve Bank, Wall Street and other criminal institutions...the precise organizations Martenson claims to be against.

The sole objective of these establishments is to promote the globalization scheme, which has enslaved millions, while sending millions of jobs from the U.S. to developing nations.  

He continues to ride the gold bug wave and embraces the circle of clowns in this camp, from Faber to Schiff and many others, while echoing the same lines as these charlatans to his sheep audience such as the dollar is going to 0.

Of course, he is also aligned with Max Keiser. Are you surprised?  If so, then apparently you forgot the golden rule...the apple never falls far from the tree!



Of course Martenson has no problem asking his sheep for donations, while charging for access to his propaganda, and posting advertisements. He even sells ads that promote Mike Maloney on his YouTube account.



Here is just one example where he is kissing the ass of this loser from Zero Hedge who refuses to reveal his identity because he doesn't want people to know he was convicted of insider trading and was banned from working on Wall Street.



Of course, I was banned from Huffington Post long ago. Now have a look at Martenson's podcasts. Each and every one of these guys is a complete gold hack, delusional fool, and/or liar; even William Black. A few of them are insane in my opinion.

[I have not yet discussed this, but I have reason to believe Black is the Ron Paul of the financial crisis. I'll get back to Black in the future and discuss the email exchange we had.]

Can you find any of the clowns below (besides Morgenson, who is a journalist, and Black, who may or may not be but is not likely to be since his role in this charade is to pretend to be the "good cop") who aren't gold pumpers?

In fact, every single person Martenson has interviewed falls into one or more of the following categories: idiot, con man, fraud, liar, gold pumper.

If I was able to identify anyone he has interviewed as being credible I would tell you so. Always remember that the apple NEVER falls far from the tree.

By the way, William Black is a complete FRAUD. I plan to discuss this at a later time.



Incidentally, you may recall my previous mention of Morgenson a few years ago. She was the New York Times reporter that has been credited for uncovering some of the shady practices by Washington Mutual. She is also one of the reporters I notified of my SEC Complaint related to the illegal seizure of Washington Mutual by the Office of Thrift Supervision, and the later disposition of WaMu's assets to JPMorgan. 

Morgenson did not even bother to respond to this complaint. She acted like it didn't exist because she is clearly working for the CIA, along with many of her colleagues. This is the person Martenson chose to interview to discuss fraud. That tells you that either Martenson is a major sheep or he is a shill for the establishment.

Either way, he's clueless about investments and has no ability to forecast anything. He knows this and that is specifically why he refers to himself as a futurist; the same title Harry Dent has given himself.

And by now, hopefully you realize what a joke Dent is. But hell, as clueless as Dent is, he's still more advanced in the world of snake oil sales than Martenson. At least Dent is able to pitch a story that sounds believable at first glance. At least Dent is able to package his generic BS into a pitch that sounds like he came up with it. Martenson clearly lacks these basic skills required to become a successful charlatan. 

I wish I had the time to pick each of these clowns apart, but sadly I don't. Hell, I don't even have the time to completely dismantle Eric Sprott's interview, but below you can see how I show you that he is clearly a manipulator and clown.




Martenson is clearly a shill for the establishment, brainwashing his sheep followers (many of which he has suckered into paying subscription fees for access to his global warming/UN/doomer gold pumping agendas).

While he is inexperienced in investment analysis, market forecasting and other matters related to the investment process (much like his gold-pumper peers), Martenson claims to have predicted the financial crisis and economic collapse. And he has convinced his unintelligent sheep of this as well.



Despite his delusional claims, Martenson did not predict anything. At best, he got ideals from gold bugs about some obvious trends and parroted these lines late into the game.

Along the way he managed to echo the same lines from the oligarchs who created the global warming lie.

In his quest to try and make a living after "leaving" the pharmaceutical industry (we think he was axed), Martenson filled his mind with writings of doomsday, extremist perma-bear gold bugs, adapted the exaggerated and delusional claims of these charlatans, then jumped onto the band wagon in order to make money selling fear.

And he did this AFTER THE COLLAPSE, which is why you won't see anything published by him until after the collapse.

Even his useless book was released in 2011, AFTER he lured the sheep into his grasp (so as to get guaranteed book sales and great reviews from his brainwashed sheep followers).

Martenson has fooled his naive audience by using the Alex Jones sales technique of spreading free videos on You Tube, so as to give the impression that it is not about money, but using this as a way to generate a large following which is then leveraged to generate income.

"Spread these You Tube videos around so WE can get the word out."  

Yea, and so you can get these suckers to drive more stooges to your website where you can then hook them for paid content, paid lectures and consultations with you. Talk about deceit. Alex Jones does the exact same thing.

But that's not all Martenson does. He kisses the ass of every gold bug and is desperate to promote himself via any media platform so as to keep the money machine going.

Perhaps the most obvious indicator of his intentions is the fact that he asks for donations AND advertises AND charges for services. As I have discussed in the past, this is a clear sign of a con artist. They basically want to hook you in any way they can.



He has also asked for and convinced his sheep followers to create Wikipedia entry for him as a way to market him and his useless trash. 



Martenson's game plan of promoting himself into some superhero wasn't working out as planned, so he decided to change to You see folks, Martenson wants to show you the path to PEAK PROSPERITY. If it sounds like snake oil to you, that's because that's precisely what it is.

Now he and his wannabe-analysts are publishing forecasts on everything from gold to the stock market despite the fact that neither Martenson nor anyone working for him has ever worked on Wall Street or managed funds professionally, nor has a track record.

The great thing about forecasting done by con men is that they are so generic that they have a 50% chance of being right since they never provide specific forecasts.



The only problem is that, like the rest of these charlatans, Martenson is wrong much more than he is right, he speaks in generic terms and makes open-ended statements.

We cannot emphasize enough how deceitful this man is, but you can get a better idea by looking at the "save the whales" suckers he's trying to lure in with yoga and such.



Apparently, even Martenson realizes his content is complete trash which is why he and his stooges got so excited over some doofus' blog giving his site a 70 something rating out of 100 of the most useless sites we have seen. Have a look.



Why would you bother to announce that you made the list of some clown who has a blog and who is not knowledgeable in finance or investments unless you knew your site was garbage.

In 2012, Martenson partnered with Porter Stansberry-type pitch men in Baltimore, the nation's second most populous investment newsletter scam capital, to create a video telling you that the world is coming to an end and that he and his fellow snake oil salesmen are going to help you survive! (at a price of course). And they plan to lure in the sheep with a small fee.





As you might suspect, once the sheep have been herded, these charlatans will sell them an endless host of expensive trash.

Notice how Martenson talks about "an experiment to reach a new audience." Yes Chris, you are now targeting the Alex Jones, Peter Schiff, Marc Faber, Mike Maloney, Kevin Trudeau, etc. audience. Once you roll in the mud with con artists, you can never clean your image. Congratulations, Chris, your mom would be proud.

For all of you sheep out there who have been fooled by Martenson's bullshit tactics, I'm willing to bet you've also been fooled by Max Keiser, Mike Maloney, Doug Casey, Porter Stansberry, Alex Jones, Peter Schiff, Harry Dent, James Rickards, Jim Rogers, Zero Hedge and the rest of the fear-mongering, gold-pumping charlatans.

You might want to ask Martenson how much he was paid to sell out to these Money Map charlatans.

Tell us Chris, what was the payoff? 

Those who have fallen for these guys are complete idiots. And they need to look into the mirror and acknowledge this fact.

Just say it. Look into the mirror now and say "I'm a complete sucker, a sheep; an easy target for charlatans. I feel like a loser. In fact, I am a loser and will remain one until I learn to spot these charlatans and call them out for what they are."

Take a look at this BS video in which Martenson has teamed up with these charlatans, designed to scare the hell out of you so that you will think these clowns will save you...for a price of course. 

Which pyramid scheme are they referring to? 

I'm wondering how much Martenson was paid to preach his BS. 

Finally, Martenson is also in the same network as Zero Hedge and that entire crew (hundreds of them) of gold-pumping, fear-mongering delusional profiteers.




Remember people, if gold is such a great investment...

...if gold is headed to the moon as all the gold dealers insist...

...why in the hell are they spending HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of DOLLARS trying to convince you to buy it from them? 

Why don't these gold dealers just hoard gold and wait for it to soar??

And why are they willing to accept your "worthless paper currency" in exchange for their precious gold?






You can find much more on Martenson and dozens of other profiteers and masters of deception at our massive and constantly expanding Encyclopedia of Bozos, Hacks, Snake Oil Salesmen and Faux Heroes.





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