Invest Intelligence When It Realy Matters

I'm Going to Teach You the Secrets to Getting Wealthy

If you clicked this article thinking I was serious, then I strongly advise you to take notes as you read through this piece.

The title of this article, is, never has been and never will be something I will claim to teach you because as much as I know about business and investments, I can tell you there are no secrets, unless you consider hard work a secret.

Rather than the title to my own article, this title is the common theme used by the investment gurus; you know, the marketing clowns plastered all over TV and the Internet, preying on the desperate and broke.

In the past, I've discussed cheeseball marketers. These are the guys who lie, deceive and use other tactics to make the sheep think they will lead you to easy riches. 

Note that Donald trump and Robert Kiyosaki wrote a book together a few years ago. Why? because they wanted to team up their cheeseball marketing to suck more sheep into their trash bin, while making themselves wealthy.

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