Invest Intelligence When It Realy Matters

Jewish Clown Raoul Pal Did NOT Predict the Financial Crisis. He's Lying!

I already exposed huckster Raoul Pal a few years ago (See the Image Library as well as the links below) as a clown who was using the Jewish buddy system in order to get media coverage. This represents marketing deception at best.   

Mike Stathis holds the best investment forecasting track record in the world since 2006.

Check here to download Chapter 12 of Cashing in on the Real Estate Bubble, showing how he recommended to short Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, as well as the homebuilders, banks and even General Electric and General Motors. 
View Mike Stathis' Track Record here, herehere, here, here, here and here.


More Yahoo Paid Promotion of Jewish Idiots (Raoul Pal) Disguised as "News"

Now he's claiming to have predicted the financial crisis some 11 years after it happened. We never heard this claim from him all of these years and all of the sudden he comes out tells us he predicted the financial crisis? 

Okay so where's the fucking proof Pal?? 

Just because you get your Jewish buddies in the media to say you did doesn't mean it's true. 

And if you think that passing the buck to the media gets you off the hook, you're fucking wrong. 

If the media misrepresents your accomplishments you are responsible for correcting this in a timely manner, especially if the media made this misrepresentation for a piece it published where you were consulted (i.e. an interview).   

Pal is another Jewish clown claiming to have predicted the 2008 financial crisis.

And he is using his Jewish tribal connections with the criminal Jewish-run media in order to carry out this scam.  

This has become a common theme of modern day hucksters who run the "fake it till ya make it" scam with the help of the media. 

Folks, I want to warn you that you're going to keep seeing more guys like Pal making false claims for years to come.  The media is going to be right there playing along with it. And I will guarantee you just about every single one of these guys will be Jewish. 

Note that Raoul Pal only includes Jews in his media/PR portal. Note as well as that a single one of these individuals has any real credibility as experts, and many of them are broken clock charlatans. You should also note that Pal hangs in the same circles as some of the biggest charlatans and gold pumpers in the world. As I like to say, you are judged by the company you keep.

The reason why these scum bags will keep popping up as the years pass claiming to have predicted the financial crisis is because they know it's very difficult to disprove their claims as time passes.

Imagine if Pal claimed he had predicted the financial crisis in 2009 or 2010. 

People would want to see detailed evidence of this claim.

But a decade later and most people don't even remember the details of the crisis sufficiently to assess whether or not someone predicted it. 

As well, they figure that if the media is claiming some guy predicted the crisis a more than a decade after it happened, it must be true. People who assume this have no idea about the criminal nature of the media. 

This explains why you constantly hear about people that claim to have predicted for example, the 1987 stock market crash (Black Monday) despite the fact that it was not predictable! 

The fact is that no one predicted the '87 market crash and I'd be willing to bet anyone $50,000 on it. Again, it was not a predictable event. And no financial professional possessing top tier expertise would state that it was a predictable event. 

But the '87 crash happened so long ago that it's near impossible to prove someone didn't predict it.

As well, most people do not even realize that the crash was not predictable.

Moreover, most people don't even understand what's required for the burden of proof to be established with respect to having made a valid prediction. It goes far beyond saying something will or might happen. You need to show an exhaustive analysis based on a variety of inputs. 

And we cannot forget some basic psychology. Most people will assume that if the media claims someone predicted something that happened more than 30 years ago, it has to be true. These are the same people (I call them sheep) who believe everything the media claims about its so-called "experts." They believe that broken clock gold pumpers like Peter Schiff predicted the financial crisis. They believe clowns like Jim Rogers are great investors with great track records, and so on. They believe this nonsense because they are too lazy, stupid and trusting. 

Any source that claims an individual predicted something needs to provide adequate proof (as I have provided for my predictions) or else you should assume the claims are not true.

Furthermore, any individual who claims to have predicted something pertaining to the capital markets needs to prove it to individuals from the investment community so it passes the proper muster. And that means (for starters) checking everything they said and wrote months before and after the crash.

Finally, as I've stated in the past, I find it hilarious that every single huckster who claims to have predicted the '87 collapse was issuing fear-fongering warnings to stay out of the market thereafter.

Guess what happened immediately after the '87 crash. 

A new bull market.

And after that, the "Great Bull Market" commenced. 

The lesson is simple. Never listen to broken clock losers as they will cause you to miss out on tremendous market gains. Broken clock losers are most often found in the media.  

When I predicted the financial crisis (in 2006) and exact bottom in the stock market which occurred on March 10, 2009, I advised investors to start buying at the very bottom. That's what you call a credible if not amazing market forecast because I advised investors to get out at the top and get back in at the bottom (not to mention other calls I made such as shorting the primes and sub-primes). [1]

Despite my leading track record, the criminally insane Jewish-run media continues to ban me while promoting Jewish con artists and frauds as "experts." And each one of these scum bags has a lousy track record.  

As a reminder, last year I exposed the lying shit stain, Jim Rickards (who works with copywriting boiler room Agora Financial) as another Jewish charlatan who was now claiming he predicted the financial crisis.  

Business Insider Scam Firm Falsely Claims Con Man Jim Rickards Predicted Economic Collapse

I previously exposed Rickards for the lying piece of trash that he is (more is on the way in coming weeks).

EXPOSED: Jim Rickards (Part 1)

Air Head Nomi Prins Joins Fear-Mongering Profiteer Jim Rickards on the Doom & Gloom Gravy Train

Mike Stathis Exposes Jim Rickards and His Gold Pumping Shit Book

Hey Pal, show us the evidence that you predicted the financial crisis. Otherwise, you're a fucking liar. 

And if I'm correct that you're lying about your track record, because this lie is generating more business for your BS media/PR firm, that means you are committing FRAUD.

And one more thing Pal. I want to see proof that passes my standards, not some bull shit that fools the typical moron you're marketing your BS to.

Show us your detailed written analysis. Show us everything. I'm willing to be you have nothing but lies and hot air. 

So I suggest you show the proof that you predicted the financial crisis, or else have your Jewish buddies at the boiler room known as Barron's print a retraction because you're now on the scam artist radar. 

I'm the only person in the world who truly predicted the financial crisis. And that's a fact.  

And for anyone who does not agree with this claim and is willing to put their money where their mouth is (a wager of at least $50,000 in cash held in escrow), contact us to arrange a debate to be judged by a group of independent unbiased investment professionals. Otherwise, you'd be advised to keep your fucking mouth shut and follow the leader, not the charlatans. 

[1] I wrote about the 6500 level in the Dow as the low in my 2006 book, as well as in two follow-up articles released into the public domain in August and in the Fall of 2008. Finally, I advised investors to start buying on the day the Dow hit 6500 in March 2009 in an article published in the public domain.  Since that time I have kept my clients in the US stock market except for periods when I predicted major market selloffs and bottoms. My market forecasting track record is estimated to have an 85 percent to 90 percent accuracy rate since 2006. 

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