Invest Intelligence When It Realy Matters

More YouTube Con Men (Part 4)

This series on YouTube con men continues with a 3-video segment on one of the biggest chumps I have ever seen on TV discussing topics he was unqualified to discuss.


More YouTube Con Men (Part 1)

More YouTube Con Men (Part 2)

More YouTube Con Men (Part 3)


But that was the objective; to interview some moron who will say something stupid to generate a ruckus so people will click on media articles and watch follow-ups in the same manner that the media creates BS content with trash TV.

The media is always doing this in order to maximize its ad revenues all while making sure the content is presented in such a way so as to provide more business for its advertisers. This is routine in the media. And it is specifically why you must ban all ad-based content unless you enjoy being ripped off, lied to, scammed and led into the gutter.
Most people do not truly realize just how vicious the media is so they are never made aware how much the media has led to their demise.
Others think they have the ability to pick and choose what is good versus bad content, but I can guarantee you that they don’t stand a chance. Many people think they are smart enough to not fall for con men yet they still do. Trying to confront the media is like attempting to make it past millions of con men simultaneously. You stand about a one in a ten million chance.
Ever since this goofball was aired on TV, he received numerous requests for interview elsewhere (as expected) because other media outlets wanted to seize on the audience to generate ad revenues. And this con man quickly seized upon his 15 minutes of fame to lure in sheep.


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