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Christopher Greene (AMTV) Is a Huge Con Man and Fraud

Alex Jones wannabe, Christopher Greene has been pumping out fear porn and scamming people ever since he lost his job at Merrill Lynch over a decade ago. Incidentally, he never even completed the training program at Merrill. I'm willing to bet he was "let go." That's one huge fail.  

Along with a few other scam artists who failed on Wall Street and lost their job during or just after the financial crisis, Greene jumped aboard the Peter Schiff hyperinflation band wagon in order to take advantage of the group of naive stooges who had been primed by Schiff's broken clock, fear-mongering  rhetoric.

Similar to the case with his fellow kosher tribesman Schiff, Greene tried his best to scare people from the stock market during a period when it was not so far from its post-financial crisis bottom. He also repeated much of the crazy nonsense spewed by Alex Jones as he rode the gold pumping circuit in order to extract money from suckers. 

It is interesting to note that Peter Schiff moved into the conspiracy circuit with regular appearences on Alex Jones' Infowars broadcast after he was cast aside as a broke clock by his mainstream media tribesmen. But of course Schiff is still invited on financial media networks like CNBC and FOX Business because he's kosher. 

Just like every other gold-pumping, fear-mongering clown (Schiff, Dent, Faber, Rogers, Stansberry, Casey, Rickards, Turk, Rubino, Max Keiser, Chris Martenson, the frauds at Zero Hedge, etc.) if you had listened Christopher Greene's fear-monger rants  you missed out on the longest bull market in history. 

Moreover, because Greene began pumping gold on YouTube in late 2010, he actually caused those who were foolish enough to listen to him to buy gold at the top and suffer many years of devastating declines while watching the stock market soar by 500 percent.  

But you won't see much evidence of this since he deleted thousands of videos from his channel. 

You see, the funny thing about Greene is that he tends to only keep about one to two years of videos online and then he deletes or hides the others.

Why does he do that?

To make sure people cannot go back and see how wrong he has been and how he has flip flipped.   

Now that he's become a hardcore peddler of the bitcoin Ponzi scheme, he's even deleted all of his videos from 2017 through 2019 because he does not want people to see how wrong his bitcoin recommendations and predictions have been.  

But he did forget to delete at least one damning piece of evidence.

According to Greene, bitcoin would reach $250,000 by 2021. 

It's mind boggling to me that I feel the need to remind people that they should Never Ever use anything on YouTube as a valid source of anything. This is especially true when it comes to individuals publishing things on their own channel.

At any time channel owners can delete or hide previously published videos to remove evidence of scams, disinformation or flat out terrible predictions and advice. Newer subscribers will never know how wrong the person has been because the previous videos were deleted. 

And if someone points this out in the comment section, the scam artist can delete (or shadow ban) their comment.

YouTube has been designed as a portal for scams and scam artists. It is NOT a valid source of anything. I have gone over this many times in the past.   

I was monitoring this scum bag fraudster Greene from day 1, so I actually saved some of his older videos before he deleted them (below). I only wish I had saved them all. But I did save screenshots of many of his old videos that have since been deleted or hidden.

Take a look at this video he released in October 2010 below...

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