Invest Intelligence When It Realy Matters

Membership Benefits

In order to gain full access to the articles, videos and other content on our website, you must either be a Client or Member.

Clients are newsletter subscribers and receive free site access (i.e. free Membership).

Members pay an annual fee to access the site. Although we list our own ads for research publications on the site, Members do NOT receive access to research publications or newsletters. This is a separate fee. 

Members DO receive unrestricted access to all articles published on the site, as well as access to the Member Video Library which contains numerous videos on a variety of topics from global economics and securities analysis to investment education. Some of these videos are from the newsletters but have been added to the video library at a later time. However, these videos are relevant.

To reiterate, website access does not include access to any research reports or newsletters. However, some articles and videos contain material that is related to our economic and investment research.

While we promote our research publications on the website, we do not store any of these publications on the site.

ALL newsletter subscribers are designated as Clients and receive complimentary Membership for the duration of their newsletter subscription.

NOTE: Unless you are a VERY experienced and advanced investor we strongly advise that you sign up for a Membership PRIOR to subscribing to one or more of our investment newsletters. Doing so will give you a better idea about the uniqueness of Mike Stathis and the need to keep an open mind.

Although Members do NOT receive research (other than some older presentations largely for educational purposes) we feel it is very important for prospective newsletter subscribers to first devote sufficient time and effort to get to know how Mike thinks. This is very important since he is likely to be unlike anyone you have ever come across.


By signing up as a Member1 you will receive:

1) Full access to restricted articles on this site website (new and old), which exceeds 1000 (as of February 2015). The vast majority of these articles are EXCLUSIVE and can ONLY be found on our website. Remember that you are getting access to one of the leading investment minds in the world, yet he has been completely banned by all media. So in a sense you are getting access to highly valuable insights that the general population is not receiving.

[Some might call that "insider information" since these insightful analyses are not being distributed to the general population.]

2) Full access to our increasingly popular and constantly expanding Encyclopedia of Bozos, Hacks, Snake Oil Salesmen and Faux Heroes.

This is a very comprehensive resource that contains hundreds of pages of unique content, detailing the methods and motives of the biggest clowns today who prey on the naive and desperate.

By studying this resource and keeping up with the updates, you are not likely to ever be fooled again by the tactics used by these characters. This will prevent you from falling victim to their snake oil.

3) Access to select videos provided to newsletter subscribers (on a delayed basis) discussing trading guidance, market forecasts and other topics meant to serve as an education tool.

4) Special discounts on select research publications.

5) Access to select special reports and pre-screened third-party research. These documents are located under the Library menu.

6) Access to most newsletter monthly Opening Statements (on a delayed basis).

7) Access to Member/Client MP3 Audios.


Lite Membership ($499)

If you decide to subscribe to one of our monthly research publications within 30 days of purchasing a Lite Membership you will receive a $399 credit towards the purchase of one of our monthly research publications, plus you will continue to enjoy all of the benefits and have access to all of the resources that Lite Members receive.

After the 30-day period has expired, you will receive credit towards the purchase of our monthly research publications on a quarterly basis. So for instance, if you decide to subscribe to the Intelligent Investor after having been a Lite Member for between 3 months and 1 day all the way through 6 months, you will receive a credit of 50% from the price you paid for a Lite Membership (in this case, 50% of $399, or $200).

In order to qualify to receive credit for upgrading your membership to a research subscription, you must notify us by email (contact form on the website) within 48 hours of your upgrade. If you fail to do this we will not provide you with credit. The best way to notify us is by stating in the comments section of the Paypal payment area that you are requesting credit when you purchase the research.

You also have the option of upgrading to a Premium Membership at any time. Note that your Premium Membership will expire based on a 12-month period after you signed up as a Lite Member.


Premium Membership ($699)

If you decide to subscribe to one of our monthly research publications within 30 days of purchasing a Premium Membership you will receive a $399 credit towards the purchase of one of our monthly research publications, plus you will continue to enjoy all of the benefits and have access to all of the resources that Premium Members receive.

After the 30-day period has expired, you will receive a PARTIAL credit towards the purchase of our monthly research publications on a quarterly basis. This partial credit will be derived from the Lite Membership component ($399) since monthly research subscribers receive a complimentary Lite Membership and must pay $200 for an upgrade to Premium Membership.

So for instance, if you decide to subscribe to the Intelligent Investor after having been a Premium Member for between 3 months and 1 day all the way through 6 months, you will receive a credit of 50% from $399, or a credit of $200.  

Please note that if you subscribe to any research publications, only $399 of the $599 is applicable towards credit for a subscription because research subscribers receive complimentary Lite Membership ($399) while the Premium Membership ($599) requires payment of $200 for research subscribers.

In order to qualify to receive credit for upgrading your membership to a research subscription, you must notify us by email (contact form on the website) within 48 hours of your upgrade. If you fail to do this we will not provide you with credit. The best way to notify us is by stating in the comments section of the Paypal payment area that you are requesting credit when you purchase the research.

For more information on benefits, including special bonus reports and videos included in your membership click here.  



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