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Do You Support Israel?

Whether you support Israel or not, I suggest you watch this video. It certainly isn't going to increase support for Israel.

What's ironic is that after World War II, the Jewish people claimed that they needed a "place to feel safe." They said "never again" to the so-called "Holocaust." But the (illegal) state of Israel is carrying out a real Holocaust against Palestinians. Similar to the case in Germany, there are no gas chambers in this Holocaust. Palestinians are being slaughtered in a variety of ways. [1]

It is also ironic that the Jewish people supposedly felt so threatened by "anti-Semites" who want to kill them, yet they are residing all over the world telling governments and other policy makers how to run their economic and social policies. They don't seem to fear for their lives as they once did. This seems odd if in fact they did have this fear as they claim.

Furthermore, perhaps the most ironic fact is that most of the same policies advocated by influential Jewish individuals are not supported in Israel. For instance, Multiculturalism is a policy of the Jewish Mafia. This is a fact.

The Jewish Mafia has spread this destructive theme throughout the Western world as a way to weaken the solidarity, culture and morality of these nations. After all, a weaker enemy makes for an easier target. But you aren't going to see multiculturalism in Israel. You cannot even wed a Jew in Israel if you are not Jewish.

Meanwhile, most of the world sits back and ignores these destructive policies, the fraud committed by the banks and the Holocaust against the Palestinians because the Jewish Mafia runs most of the world. They run the banking system, Wall Street and the Federal Reserve. They run the United Nations, NATO, the World Trade Organization, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. They control corporate America. They run the media, Hollywood and the rest of the entertainment industry, including professional sports, PR firms, ad firms and publishing houses. They are THE ESTABLISHMENT. You get the picture.

Certainly the Jewish Mafia has a good deal of Gentile puppets that is uses when needed, but where ever they feel it is safe to step into the spotlight, this is precisely what they do. In a few years, the silent Jewish leadership will begin to show more of its face in nations like Brazil. Although you cannot see any direct evidence of a takeover, I can assure you that the Jewish Mafia already has a significant amount of control over China.

Those nations that are not run by the Jewish Mafia are considered "evil," such as Iran, Syria, Venezuela and a few others.



[1] Of the estimated 300,000 total deaths at German prison camps during WWII (not all of which were Jews), the vast majority died of starvation and the typhus epidemic. There is no evidence of gas chambers at any of the German prison camps. Starvation and disease are typical elements of death for prisoners during war, especially when the prison camps are from the losing side of the war.

While there were no doubt some Jews who were murdered by execution, this is likely to represent a tiny handful and is representative of typical numbers that are executed in prison camps for a variety of reasons during war. Furthermore, the death numbers quoted were not only increased for many years, but it would be impossible for such a number to be killed, gassed and buried given the number of crematoriums and size of the prison camp grounds. These points have been proven and documented elsewhere by many independent researchers.

Certainly, the death by any means of innocent civilians is a tragedy in every circumstance. But the details underlying the so-called Holocaust have been manufactured in order to make it appear as if Jews were murdered, when the facts support a different conclusion. Moreover, the offical death count of six million has been inflated from a much smaller number. In addition, the cause of death has been altered from starvation and disease to premeditated murder so as to make the Jews appear to be victims. This enables Jews as a group to use the Holocaust as a shield against any criticism for acts of criminality and inhumanity. Despite the fact that tens of millions of civilians were murdered during WWII, the focus has only been on the so-called Holocaust. This in itself is more than odd.

Finally, the best way to alter the truth is to create laws against challenging or even researching the Holocaust. Today, most nations in Europe have what is known as a Holocaust Denial. This is a perfect example of a thought crime. According to the law, if you question, trivialize, challenge or deny the establishment’s official version of the Holocaust or even attempt to research the Holocaust by conducting investigations at the German prison camps, you will be convicted as a Holocaust Denier and sent to prison for up to three years. The Holocaust is the only historical event where laws have been created to prevent continuous research and inquiry. Every other historical event on earth is continuously researched since we were not there so we are always finding out new things, often things that radically alter the fundamental ideals we once thought were fact. 

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