Invest Intelligence When It Realy Matters

How to Move the Market Using Hacks and Morons

I just ran across a news headline by CNBC so I knew it would provide a learning point. Have a look
First of all, don't be fooled by the seemingly neutral tone of the article. While there are statements that one could conclude are cautious, if you read it from a neutral position, you will come away with a bullish stance. This is a lesson in psychology more than anything.
First, notice the title. In itself sets the tone of the piece as far as I am concerned. Why couldn't the title be "Will the S&P sell off to retest new lows?"  Remember, the intermediate to long term trend is what matters. And that trend is still down.  To focus on the short-term plays into the hands of Wall Street and online brokers, who will make more money when investors are focused on short-term trading.
If you still don't see my point, just look at the bullish versus bearish comments:

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