Invest Intelligence When It Realy Matters

Doug Casey: Investment Legend or Huge Liar and Career Con Man?

The number of lies presented in the following BS propaganda videos (below) are endless. But it's precisely what you'd expect from the kind of horse shit being pumped out of copywriting boiler rooms.

When one mentions the topic of such boiler rooms you cannot avoid mention of Agora Financial, the world's largest publishing house of financial dog shit and copyrighting scams.  I have been exposing Agora's countless scams and con artists for more than a decade.

Agora works with an army of some of the biggest con artists and broken clock, fear-mongering, disinformation hucksters in the financial publishing world, from Doug Casey, Harry Dent, Jim Rogers and Jim Rickards, to Nomi Prins, David Stockman, Paul Craig Roberts, Robert Kiyosaki and Tim Sykes.

The list of scum bags working with Agora is in the hundreds.  

If an individual is affiliated in some way with Agora Financial, you can bet he/she is a con artist and/or contrarian indicator and possibly a fraud.  

Today, we're going to look at a couple of fear-mongering videos from Casey Research. For those who aren't already familiar with Casey Research, it's a copyrighting outfit formerly owned and operated by king con man Doug Casey.  

As you watch the videos below you will notice the typical broken clock, nut job-like conspiracy narrative that gold-pumping charlatans have been pitching for several years.

You know who this army of fraudsters are. I've exposed most of them on this website. 

In these videos you should also note that Doug Casey admits gold was in a bear market since 2011. The problem is that I have never previously seen, read or heard Casey admit that gold was in a bear market UNTIL it entered a new bull market in 2019. 

Keep in mind that this video was released in 2021. In the video Casey points out that gold was in a bear market.

Gold was in a bear market since around 2013 (some could argue even 2012) through 2019. Therefore, Casey only admitted that gold was in a bear market AFTER it had entered a new bull market in 2019. 

Similar to most gold pumpers, Casey went for many years without disclosing the fact that gold was in a bear market because he wanted to keep the BS going so he could fuel the lies and ridiculous claims that have been fed to the gold bug (sucker) cult. That's the kind of con man he is.  

At best, Casey waited several years before admitting that gold was in a bear market, and it was only mentioned on rare occasion.


To keep the gold pumping scam alive of course. 

Remember, guys like Casey certainly aren't analysts, nor are they great investors.

They are cult leaders and con artists pitching outlandish narratives that never change.

They are broken clock, fear-mongering hucksters. 

And they only make money by exploiting those who are naive enough to fall for their BS. 

Keep in mind that Doug Casey doesn't even own Casey "Research" anymore, nor is he actively involved in pumping out volumes of BS he had been releasing for decades. 

Apparently, he's too old and frail (and perhaps a bit senile?) to keep up with the demands required to constantly pump out fake news in order to satisfy the ravenous appetite of his cult of low IQ weirdos.

So he sold Casey Research to fellow Jewish scam artist Porter Stansberry, another member of Agora Financial's long list of charlatans, liars, idiots and frauds.

But Stansberry didn't purchase a research firm.

He bought Casey Research, which is merely a smoke-and-mirrors copywriting company and stock promoting firm that masquerades as a research firm. 

He also bought the fake persona Casey built over the decades of being some kind of "great investor." Perhaps most important, Stansberry purchased the contact info of all the suckers who have fallen for Casey's lies and BS through the years. This list is perhaps the most valuable resource of the purchase because it contains the contact info of Casey's cult. I call it Casey's "sucker list."

My guess is that one of the conditions for the sale was that Casey would appear from time to time in videomercials and ridiculous fear-mongering conferences these types of talking heads are known for in order to make it look like he was still active in Casey Research. This would help to keep the Casey cult alive so that Stansberry could peddle more trash to them under the guise of Doug Casey as their investment "legend" and (cult) leader.   

Listen to the first video below as Casey pulls the predictable stunt of pumping gold while claiming you can make so much more money if you buy gold mining penny stocks. 

Always remember this. Anyone who promotes "junior miners" should be assumed to be a con artist and fraud until proven otherwise.  I know of no honest person who pitches "junior miners." From my professional experience of more than 20 years, everyone I have seen promoting "junior minors" is running a pump and dump scam. 

In the video below, Casey takes pride claiming he has made fortunes on penny stocks. However, never has he provided any evidence of these claims.

Always remember this. When someone is pitching investments to you and they claim to have made huge amounts of money, always demand to see evidence of their claims, because I can assure you they are always lying or they aren't telling you the details of how they made the money (for example, via frontrunning). 

Moreover, Casey fails to mention that the vast majority of gold penny stocks he has pumped over the years were huge losers.

But I guess if you already hold a position in these loser stocks BEFORE the pump has been orchestrated (i.e. Casey and his gang) you stand to make huge gains so long as you exit during the pump phase. 

You see, Casey and his buddies are hoping that the suckers who fall for his lies and BS will buy into these trash stocks so that they can exit at higher prices.  

Finally, in addition to holding the trash that he pumps, my guess is that Casey is being compensated in various ways by the scammers behind the penny stocks he pumps.  

You can bet the rabbit hole runs real deep when it comes to Doug Casey, Porter Stansberry and Agora Financial. 

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